Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: State lawmakers need to get on the pot (sort of)
A lot of states waited until after they legalized pot to come up with rules. Indiana can be ahead of the game.
A lot of states waited until after they legalized pot to come up with rules. Indiana can be ahead of the game.
Will we finally increase the cigarette tax this legislative session? It would be big medicine for Indiana’s health and economics.
Let’s apply the same sense of urgency to ensuring students learn to read as we have to producing a coronavirus vaccine.
The COVID-19 recession has not only exacerbated high levels of inequality, it has also reinforced widening racial and social divisions.
Crafting and executing a successful exit plan is less instinctive than trying to make a strong first impression. However … just because it is calculated does not necessarily make it insincere.
Politicians no longer shade the truth. They reject it and they encourage us to reject it, too.
It’s not enough to poke holes in the Democrats’ agenda. Republicans must have ideas of their own, and the ideas must be rooted in free enterprise, liberty, opportunity and growth.
All the things Vice President Mike Pence has done since he attached himself to the worst president ever were obviously done for Pence himself.
Common ground does not mean slowing things down until the next election. Common ground means finding incremental solutions to fast-track into public policy before the next election.
As I watch some in Congress pursue destructive goals that threaten our democratic ideals and institutions … I am very sorry to see that institution lose someone like Brooks.
The voices these so-called leaders ignore are not easily dismissed as rancor from the right. This half of the Great Divide desires and deserves a voice in these deliberations.
Every member of the Indiana delegation should now acknowledge that Biden is our next president and Harris our next vice president. … Their priority should be about saving lives, not preserving power.
Perhaps recognizing the issues related to racial-threat anxiety and addressing the economic anxieties of poor white people could create a political herd mentality.
Inadequate elected Republicans had the opportunity to be … the voices of reason and truth-tellers of an election with no fraud before the destruction in our nation’s Capitol ensued.
Trump and his minions have “blood on their hands.”
America is an idea, the great experiment of history, a pursuit toward liberty that never ends.
Mad became my art school. My instructors were Mort Drucker, Jack Davis, Al Jaffee, Don Martin, Paul Coker Jr. and Sergio Aragones.
With 716 people in prison per 100,000 residents, the United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
It should be obvious that virtual schools could be ripe for abuse, given they offer no physical presence for students and no elected leaders or school board to provide oversight.
We need to find sustainable, affordable models for young people to pay for college, not saddle taxpayers with even more of the burden.