Entrepreneurship: Tools to help you juggle work and parenting
Despite achieving my dreams of marriage, kids, a successful career and a home I loved, the constant challenges left me questioning why it all felt so difficult.
Despite achieving my dreams of marriage, kids, a successful career and a home I loved, the constant challenges left me questioning why it all felt so difficult.
Not hermits at all, these creatures rely entirely on their social networks to survive, building systems that ensure everyone in the group benefits from new resources at the same time.
While providing resources and reducing barriers to new startups is important, we should not ignore the needs of scale-up companies.
Grit is that ability to persevere through difficult situations.
A common phrase floating around the startup world is that companies are bought, not sold.
In our work at DORIS, we pause in the middle of our process and present leaders with the challenges their employees experience in the workplace.
Reflecting on my journey from inspiration to product launch, I am deeply grateful for our innovation community and think others need to know more about it.
Many of you know of the hero’s journey: the protagonist who goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory and returns home transformed. It is a timeless storytelling pattern that crosses cultures and genres, with “The Odyssey,” “Star Wars” and “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy just a few examples. Believe it or […]
One finding is that work orientation is fluid, meaning it can change over time.
For me, the journey of becoming a working mom—and a two-career household (my husband has an enormous job) —emerged slowly.
While a traditional startup is 100% focused on making money, a social-impact startup seeks to increase profits while making a positive impact in its community.
This year, I had a graduate student ask an intriguing question: “How do you demonstrate ‘soft skills’ on a resume?”
But what if “what’s wrong” is NOT “what matters” most?
About a year before Connor Sturgeon gunned down his co-workers at a Louisville branch of Indiana-based Old National Bank, some close to the 25-year-old knew he was having problems.
Leadership happy talk stems from pressures, both real and perceived, to show the world and one’s team that everything is going great.
I’ve been on both sides: the leader helping someone transition, and most recently, the person going through one.
The road to solving marketing is too often a littered trail of frustrating investments, tactics that had promise but never drove business value, and marketing talent that seems to never stay more than 18 months.
As leaders think about the challenges they face with real estate, they simply cannot compartmentalize it as separate from their workforce. In fact, they cannot separate it from other factors like technology, HR policies and company culture.
We will be electing a president every four years, but who knows how long your family will be with you?
When I shared my morning experience with my colleagues, they said, “You might need to find more recovery time in your schedule.”